Tonghan Gu

Ph.D. Candidate in Chemical Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Room 66-325

B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Polymer Materials and Engineering Program (2013)

Research Summary:
Mass transfer control in novel emulsion systems:

  • Electrically controlled droplet interaction for microdroplet reactor engineering
  • Droplet-templated anti-solvent spherical crystallization of active pharmaceutical ingredients
  • Large scale spray drying of concentrated emulsion food for treating malnutrition in India

Gu, T., Yeap, E. W., Cao, Z., Ng, D. Z., Ren, Y., Chen, R. Khan, S. A., & Hatton, T. A.  Droplet-templated Anti-solvent Spherical Crystallization of Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Drugs, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Accepted.
Gu, T., Khan, S. A., & Hatton, T. A. Highly Controlled Material Transfer into Microfluidic Droplets from an Active Colloidal Continuous Phase, Proceedings of MicroTAS 2017, Accepted.
Gu, T., Yeap, E. W., Somasundar, A., Chen, R., Hatton, T. A., & Khan, S. A. (2016). Droplet microfluidics with a nanoemulsion continuous phase. Lab on a Chip16(14), 2694-2700.
Xiong, Z., Gu, T., & Wang, X. (2014). Self-assembled multilayer films of sulfonated graphene and polystyrene-based diazonium salt as photo-cross-linkable supercapacitor electrodes. Langmuir, 30(2), 522-532.
He, Y., He, W., Liu, D., Gu, T., Wei, R., & Wang, X. (2013). Synthesis of block copolymers via the combination of RAFT and a macromolecular azo coupling reaction. Polymer Chemistry, 4(2), 402-406.